Wednesday, November 17, 2004


today has been foggy. since i woke to now when i am about to lay my head down on my soft pillow. to see the sun is only a small memory. how depressing it is not to get the vitamin D deserved for the day.
Im getting there with nights school. i have probably like 10-15 hours left to serve before i get that done with. oh and the yearbooks first deadline is this friday. way too soon after the computer crashed and what not. im a bit stressed. my mind cant keep on one topic. sometimes i wish life would slow down so i could enjoy it and maybe have some time to make real friends, not just the ones you say hi to at school, but the ones you know inside and out.
im in the mood to listen to Brave St. Saturn or Lifehouse. some slower stuff to to along with the down mood of the day. in fact im ganna go listen to that right now. peace out dude!

1 comment:

Gustavus said...

Brave Saint Saturn!

ahh... the last throws of death of Five Iron.
I think some of the blogs you've written lately are scarrily close to the lines of thought I've been going through of late. I don't know if you saw the comment that I left way down there V.V but I fully agree with your fears, and consiterations about getting into entangaling relationships too fast, or indeed at all. I find that societies idea of "dating" has so disenchanted me to the concept that I've become what my father calles a rebble agains the rebels of last generation. In short I'm rebeling agains what the radicals of the "hippy" generation created. Kind of an intersting concept actualy. I still haven't recieved my Relient K CD don't know what I'll do if I ever do get it... it has been so long now that it will change my whole routeen that has been being establish over the last two weeks and a couple of odd days. Hmm... I'm worried about all kinds of things some small like my CD and some huge like the prospect of establishing deep reationships with people that could potentialy turn into a lifelong relationship. In the middle is stuff like my enoumous fear that I won't get into my Honor's Program class as there are only 15 slots left and I am not allowed to regeister until the 22nt because of a weird cast system that my school uses to determine registration. The only thing that I can ever do is trust God. Scarry as that is that I have little influence on life directing events, and desisions, and yes even education, and prehaps even Relient K CD's, God knows what he's doing which i'm forever gratefull for because I sure don't at times. I know that nothing i've said is very helpfull but its what i feel and all i have to offer becasue i stuggle with exactly the same issues every single day. I think that adds poinetcy to life.
