Saturday, October 09, 2004

work sucks

ok so today i had to again wake up and get to work by 6. how insane! anyways so today was crazy. where do all those people come from? on my gosh and then i forgot to ring in &62 dollars worth of winning lottery from the night before so my drawer ended up being totally off im such an idiot. either that or the job is just stupid. i agree with the second statement more so. so alright. i am now looking for a new job. im hoping and praying that God will get me a job at borders books cause that would be oh so much better than a gas station. anyways, tonight we are having the church over for a bonfire at my house so i have to get my room cleaned and stuff. im a bit worn out though. oh well nothing i can do about it anyways. have a great afternoon

1 comment:

Jon Lane said...

yeah, id hate working at a gas station because i'd be the youngest person there guaranteed and its like the most targeted thing for robbers and whatnot. that job would suck, but hey, at least you get money, well, you could do better, but hey you get money.