Wednesday, August 30, 2006


so i moved into the dorms yesterday. interesting times. before i left this year i had my mom take some pics at the stop sign/"bus stop" like when i was little. it was cool, i have to now download the pics off of jons camera (moms ran out of batteries, suprise suprise) but after we got that done jon and i were on our way out. yesterday i built up my loft and now i just have a little bit of organizing to do with my stuff. the dorms dont compare at all to BH's but whatever, it will all be good after i get used to it. dude and one of the get to know you game things i was talking to this kid and i had a double take. he was a guy that i had seen a few years ago at sonshine, he had always been at the showmobile. but anyways, jon and i talked to him and his girlfriend at dinner last night, i hope we stay cool, they seem really awesome. it was a good start to the new year at a new school.

i have lots of stuff to share about this summer, i just havent taken the time to sit down and type it out yet. sorry.

1 comment:

Gustavus said...

changing schools rocks doesn't it. Albeit your transfer would be more difficult than my first one (leaving military school when none of your friends are returning is lots easier btw) but very novel and interesting everytime you're on a new campus... lots of stuff to explore. I've been to ... 3 schools and going to my fourth this year for study abroad. anyway Peace of the Lord... i never made it to say hi to Jenna which i regret but the world is a small place so who knows what could happen.