Tuesday, August 08, 2006

briskly leaving

summer vacation is briskly leaving us and hopefully the heat also. this last week has been beautiful weather wise, the week before that was horrid. it was up in the hundreds, without the humidity factored into that.

today was a great munday, to me it felt like sunday. it was my first day off in quite a while. except that i went back to work, farmstead, and volunteered for the first time in what seems like forever. i helped out with bingo on memory care 1 and then did aerobics of the mind which was very awesome. i enjoyed the aerobics soooo much. if i were here longer i would totally do it more often. with the AOTM you just tell weird stories found ask questions like what is something you would change about yourself, and then that gets all the people going. the ladies were so funny and sweet. they were telling stories about how they had traveled, laurane she said that she always wanted to be an artist, kathleen said she married her uncle (in law). that was an interesting story. another question was if you could change anything about your marriage, what would it be? a few of the ladies said it wouldnt have happened. i was suprised when a few of them said they had been divorced, in that generation it just suprised me. i could go on and on, there is so much that i would love to share but i need to get to bed. anyways, by volunteering today it reminded me on how much i like doing that. it gave me so much joy and i had a blast doing it. that is one thing i wish i had never stopped.

besides the volunteering i went out to jon's place today. we didnt really do much, hung around the house with his family, joke around with his brother while he made tacos. jake is a good cook, he has tallents in two totally different relms. i like jake though. other than that jon and his cousin steven are starting on all the landscaping so they had a bon fire, which was illegal (you couldnt jump over the flames unless you wanted to scold your crotch). it was good though; until the mosquitoes came out for the night. then they got the fire down and we headed in and watched another don knotts movie. we are having a movie marathon with don here some night. we have about 6 of his movies.

anyways, its off to bed. i have to get up tomorrow to work both jobs. fun fun. i only have two days left at farmstead which is kinda sad. like i said with one of the residents after the aerobics of the mind, you have to count your blessings. very true. later

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