Monday, July 11, 2005

to give it all

yeah life has been interesting lately. what can i say. its crazy how im now starting to get ready for my first year of college. today after work i checked my phone and i had a message. my roommate, erin, called me. i called her back a few minutes ago. wowzers she is kinda talkative. or else just really nervous. she sounds prety cool excelpt that she was a cheerleader in high school. otherwise she said that she works as a janitor at her school which sounds cool. you have to have charicter to do that. we only talked for a few minutes.
on saturday i got up at six and drove to the airport to pick up jon after he got back from hawaii. i was so glad to see him. when i got to the airport i wanted to cry. china ran through my mind over and over. just different memories about it. anyways while i was waiting for his plain i walked around and checked out the airport. i took pictures with my camera. i have some black and white film. anyways i sat down at baggage claim waiting for him to come in and then the luggage started to go around the thing and he sent me a message on my phone saying he had just landed. a few minutes later i looked up and glanced down the long hall or room. there he was, him and his uncle pete. standing there next to the tv screens that show the flight schedule. he looked so cute. i sat there for a little bit and smiled. i got myself a good one. i then picked up my stuff and walked down to meet them. as he finally noticed me a large grin covered my face. i was so happy to see him. he gave me a hug with his huge bag on his back and everything. then he got his bags and i met his grandparents and another and then we left. we hung out the rest of the day until i had to leave for work. that was rockin. im glad he's home. it made me think about when we start college this fall how are we going to do the whole relationship thing. its going to be hard. five hours apart. we can do it if it is meant to be. i dont want to say goodbye to him.
today i worked a split shift. 11-2, 4-7. so inbetween i went to mccs and sat in the tubes at the playground and fooled around on my laptop. im writing a short story. i thought i would attempt it instead of poetry for once. we will see how it works out when i finish the story. then after that i went to the bookstore. that was all cool. back at work tim and i were running late at the terrace. i didnt get out until 7:23. crazy. now im home and i dont want to do anything. im tired. cool.

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