Thursday, July 21, 2005


today was prety cool. i woke up late like always. come on its summer. i hung out with my mom which was a first in about a bajillion months. i went to work. after work i hung out with jon. we went to see willy wonka and the chocolate factory. we went and found the movie in the maple grove theatre. we got the tickets for 9:20 and had about a half and hour left to wait till it started. we then went to and got ourselves ice cream cones. ooh. we sat on a ledge and ate them. tasty. we watched wonka while drinking our jones and holding hands. that movie was funny. oh my goodness. it did take me by suprise but was on that totally hit the spot. fun fun fun. on the way out this man came up to us and started talking. he said something about disney and then to jon "you and your wife." jon just looked at him. i was nocked off my rocker. then he said, "you pheonce" (however that is spelled). and jons like "she's my girlfriend." that made me laugh if i hadent laughed enough yet during the movie. we then galavanted over to a park and chilled out there. hung out on the monkey bars then ended up just talking until i remembered i had to be home at one. on the way bakc to his house we talked about college. things i need to bring and what ever else. it was good. im glad i have someone to lean on or ask questions about that kinda stuff. i am really blessed to have him as a bestfriend and a boyfriend and i love him very much. :) ok i got home at 1:30 and for the first time in ages my dad was waiting up for me. i do like that he does that. it makes me feel loved. but why on a night that i was late. he didnt say anything about that though thank God! he asked how jon is doing and i told him a little about the movie. probabaly a little more than he wanted to know anyways. oh well. i have been really disconnected with my parents lately and that hasnt been cool. i hope it doesnt stay that way. goodnight alley cats

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