Tuesday, January 29, 2008

a bit stressed? YES!

i am so worn out from today. i have been up since 5:15am and was at school from 6:30am to 6:30pm. i barely even saw the sun today. VACATION!!!! I'm ready! now that i am back from school i get to study study study for a test i have in western civ class tomorrow afternoon. the chemicals from the dark room are making me crazy... ok, so i am crazy anyways.

one good thing today; i got an A on my first assignment in large format photo, but in lighting (the sister class) i got a reshoot. also, we have an assignment due next week and i got most of that done, except something happened in the drying rack to my negative and now on my best neg. there are chemical spots. jerks!

alright, done complaining; i guess i got a lot done today and should be proud of myself. i am i suppose.

oh ok, my little tiff of the day. so i drive jons car to school today, pay for a parking permit for the day and then the school tells me i cant even get a one day pass to park there (the little sticker in the window), and then i park on the street and then i get a $25 ticket! screw the system! what is wrong with AiC having us pay over four hundred dollars a credit and plus 5 dollars per day in the parking garage. well screw you, you ass holes who steal the money from a students pocket!!! its not like students have money in the first place unless they are spoiled rich kids. aghh.

ive gotten it out of my mind, i feel a bit better, thanks

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