Tuesday, January 09, 2007

i was tagged

A. Available or taken. just got taken the other day
B. Best Friend. my man, jon
C. Cake or pie. Cake, but it better be moist and have some really good frosting. (grandmas angel food cake, its the best!!)
D. Drink of choice. jones soda. great stuff!
E. Eggs. How do you like them. scrambled, with a little bit of cheese on them
F. Favorite Color. i dont know, that fluctuates
G. Gummy bears or worms. sour gummy worms, gummy bears are for sticking to the roof of your car and seeing how long they stay up there.
H. Dream house. a cabin like cozy house, few levels, in the mountains with a river running through the large plot of land. lots of trees for tire swings. i can only dream.
I. Indulgence. buying the digital camera i am lusting after, the one i think of or see and my mouth waters. :)
J. January or February. depends on if there is snow or not
K. Kid's names. none yet. maybe in 5 years or so
L. Life incomplete without. the creater, jon and the close friends
M. Marriage date. Jan. 1st 2007
N. Number of siblings. 1 brother and 2 sisters, another sibling on the way!
O. Oranges or apples. apples, nice crispy ones, gatta be good
P. Phobias or fears. afraid of unhappiness
Q. Quiet evening or Night on the town. i would like both, depending on the day and who i am with
R. Reason to smile. God's wonderous beauty around us.
S. Season. Fall, i love the colors and the smell of it all
T. Tag 3 people. i wont be mean and do this!!
U. Unknown fact about me. I cant stand touching cotton balls, they make me cringe. like nails on a chalk board.
V. Veggie I don't like. almost all cooked veggies
W. Worst job ever. that would be not having a job... that is the worst
X. X marks the spot -- where I'm ticklish: my feet, dont you dare touch them!!
Y. Your favorite food. chinese or chicken fetticini (not spelled right, sorry)
Z. Favorite animal at the zoo. the penguins, its a new fetish of mine...

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