Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Where Great Memories Are Made

Oh man, I love my family. No matter how crazy or weird they can be. Tonight I went to a movie with my brother, his girlfriend, and my sister in Uptown. The movie was Napoleon Dynamite. Very very funny. One I wouldn't mind watching again, it is only in select theatres. After we saw the movie we walked around Uptown a little and climbed on the big letters spelling library. Next the four of us went to a coffee shop call "Pendoras Shop" or something like that. We sat up in the balcony and talked. Joe and Rachel told me what I should do for my 18th birthday. They said I should go to a casino or something like that. Maybe go rent a hotel since I can do that now. Or else make a trip to tailors Falls or Duluth. I don't think the casino is in my league but the other ideas sound fun. We then drove back to their apartment which is awesome if I do say so myself. Joe and Rachel share a room and the other room goes to their friend Rick. The five of us then hung out there at the apartment. Rachel started to play game cube, snowboarding. It's always fun to catch up with people you haven't talked to for a while. We talked about a lot of dif. Things, which rocked.
One thing we talked about was when I was younger around 11 years old I watched more TV than I did when I should have. My brother had a close friend named Dylan and being that they are only 2-3 years older than me they liked to tease me. Well my nickname was Tubakiss. Something I despised. Joe told me today that I actually waste fat and that you know their age had an influence on how they treated me. I don't really care now but at the time that wasn't the nicest thing. Now it is actually kinda funny. Oh well
Memories aren't always made out of warm fuzzies, they can be hurtful too. But the best memories are the ones that make your heart smile and give you satisfaction of life.

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