Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Today we got a call from the ear, nose, and throat doctor. We had been on a waiting list for Addie and they had a cancelation today. I happily accepted the appointment without caring what time it was at. Jon had to skip his first day of T.A.ing to go to the appointment. If we hadn't have gone in today we would have to wait until September 7th. That would mean she would be 6 weeks already and that was just too long for me to wait, especially if I was still pumping breast milk for her to drink. I also dont want her to have speech problems later on in life.

I dont even know why I have been so stuck on breastfeeding. I guess I just really wanted to be natural and it has more nutrients that are just perfect for her and her tummy. Breastfeeding is also cheaper and I had thought it would be easier, I wouldn't have to make bottles, clean them, get up in the middle of the night. All I would have to do was bring her to me and hold her little body in my arms. I thought the hardest part would be teach her initially. Well, that's that, I hope she can re-learn how to latch on and we can flourish in breastfeeding.

We went in at 2:15pm and the nurse totally had baby fever, she was all up saying how much she loves seeing babies. The doctor came in and said that yes, Addie had a more attached tongue, "tongue tied" and that he would cut it so there was more separation and allowed more movement of the tongue. He put a banana flavored number under her tongue, which she really didn't like, as I held her in the big chair and Jon held her hands from flailing. The doctor then went on to take a little scissors and do two snips on that tissue under her tongue. It was hard to watch since she is my baby but he said it didn't really hurt.

Afterwards I tried to get her to breastfeed at the office but she didn't want that. She sort of latched when she ate at home later and hopefully will get better. Addie will need to get the suction going again, the bottle lets her slack on that. I hope that she can get it all figured out and we can go to breastfeeding. Then I wont have to pump so much and it will be the way I wanted it to be. If it doesn't seem to work then I will probably finish off the month giving her pumped breast milk and then go to formula. I would rather enjoy watching her and playing with her then pumping all the time.

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