Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I am a stressing a lot.... life sucks sometimes but yet is good at the same time. So Jon, Jenny (my good friend from BHSU), and I are moving tomorrow. My car is packed, I have my bosses okay on using the plumber van on Friday night to move the big stuff, and we are on our way to the other side of Denver. So, moving is taking my time.
Second, I am on week 8 of an 11 week quarter. Things are coming to an end and I have a lot to do!!! Time is of rarity. The weekend of the sixth Jon and I are going back to Minnesota for my sisters graduation party, which couldn't be at a worse time for me. It is the weekend before my dead week. The following weekend, the one before finals week, Jon and I are flying out to Connecticut for my mother in laws induction to the new church she is becoming a pastor for. Money is low, credit cards are high, rent is due tomorrow, the day we move in...
I can't wait until summer break! I will have no idea what to do with my time. Oh, but hey, my job is pretty much done except a few hours here and there. We don't get back on the bandwagon until mid-August. Soooo, job hunting for Jenny and me. Woohoo.
I need some alone time. My head is spinning, my world is like a those yellow change things that used to be at the MN zoo. you put in your penny or nickle and watch in go in circles, getting faster and faster until it goes down the little funnel at the bottom.
Life is life! It just needs to slow down a bit.

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