Monday, July 30, 2007

denver is my home

here is a before and after pic of the living room. i dont have one yet of the bedroom; its not done yet cause i am still painting the book shelf.

im liking it here. its a struggle knowing that we dont know anyone around here besides jon's sister and my friend dan. i'm overwhelmed; jon just doesnt understand. i need a mental break. to add onto the stress (im getting the cancor soar from stress) jons dad is still pushing and pushing for me to get that presentation/slide show thing done right away; he should be happy that i went to work on friday only hours before we had to move. it make me a anoyed that he keeps pushing, i understand he wants it done but give me some space: we just moved. i'm feeling the whole in-law thing happening... along with the moving, it was nice to have chris and jake help us out but the night after we got there they were all about getting a drink and other stuff. its as if chris was a mini jake, which isnt the best thing. both are great guys and i appreciate it butthye shouldnt have acted that way. alright, the good things. its great to have our new place, the schools are prety much ready to go and are ready for us to start (somehow UWS sent my transcript to jon's school. i dont know what to think of that) another is that our stuff is prety much unpacked and mary is coming over tomorrow with the girls for lunch, we are going to hang out with dan sometime this week. there's good and bad. ok, one odd thing... i havent driven yet in denver even though i have been here a few times, live here, and my car is here too. crazy.

1 comment:

Verna said...

Hang in there kiddo. It will get better. Just try your best to lighten up and use this time to draw close to Jon. Let him and God be your strength. College is not an easy time but somehow we survive.